In this issue:
  • 5 Ways to Include Team Building in the Workplace
  • D.C.’s Paid Leave Law May Impact Businesses
  • HRi’s HR Solutions

5 Ways to Include Team Building in the Workplace:

We all know the one saying that was repeated by our little league coach, “Teamwork makes the Dream-work”; and as much as we may disagree, he/she wasn’t wrong.  From a young age, we are taught that working together not only helps us further ourselves, but also those around us.  Believe it or not, this lesson is carried into our adult lives.  For example, when an office works together to achieve a goal, it not only improves the company, but the employee’s relationships with one another.  However, team building doesn’t always have to partake in the office.  By getting outside of the office, these activities can become something to look forward to.  Within this month’s newsletter, we want to help your company culture blossom by providing 5 team building activities.

1. Scavenger Hunt

This is a fun activity to do outside of the office. Before you begin, you’ll want to clarify the hunt’s purpose. For example, this can be used as an icebreaker for new employees, or for different company departments to become more collaborative.

  • Make sure a list of activities is created. Of course, in good taste, choose things that make people go outside their comfort zone.
  • Set up the activities, especially if items need to be hidden, and divide your group into teams of 3-4.
  • Notify teams of the ground rules and indicate where to meet after the hunt.
  • Set. Go! You have 90 minutes of scavenger-ing!
  • Collect and tally each team’s points – highest number wins!

2. Bowling or Mini-Golf

Use this as an opportunity to sit back, relax and get to know your co-workers. Draw names from a hat to see who will be on each team. This switches things up and allows people who may never chat, get to know one another!

3. Zip-lining / Outdoor Trails

We’re most excited about this one at HRi because on June 7th, we’ll be partaking in this ourselves! Surprisingly, there are several health benefits associated with zip-lining. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Stress reduction
  • Stronger relationships/trust
  • Increase of confidence
  • Provide self with a sense of accomplishment
Which are all great things to bring back to the office!

4. Company-Sponsored off-site Departmental Lunches

Nothing brings people together better than food. Whether you go to a restaurant or grill at a local park, these types of lunches help build relationships.  It provides co-workers the opportunity to get to know one another outside of “work-talk” and encourages them to “let loose”.

5. Two Truths, One Lie

This game is an easy one to try before your next staff meeting. It’s a great way to break the ice and see how well you know your co-workers, and vise-versa.

  • Each employee must state 2 truths and 1 lie about themselves
  • The others must try and guess the lie.

When you create a space filled with encouragement, support and friendships – your workplace culture will begin to thrive.  As coach always said, “Teamwork makes the Dream-work”.

D.C.’s Paid Leave Law May Impact Businesses

With new laws taking effect in the District of Columbia, it becomes difficult to know if your business complies.  Beginning July 1st, employers are required to fund D.C.’s paid leave benefits through a 0.62% payroll tax of the annual gross wages of each “covered employee”.  However, let’s take it back a few steps and rediscover what a “covered employee” is.

A “covered employee” is any employee who spends more than 50% of his or her work time working in D.C. for a covered employer (SHRM, 2019).  However, to be considered eligible for this benefit, there are certain requirements that must be met.  An “eligible employee” is an individual who has been a “covered employee” during some or all the calendar weeks immediately preceding the qualifying event for which paid leave is being taken (SHRM, 2019).

Within any 52-workweek period, an employee will not be entitled to receive payment for more than 1 (one) qualifying event.  A written notice indicating the need to use paid leave under this act is required.  This notice must contain the duration of leave, and a reason that falls within HIPAA’s parameters.  Also, based on the situation, there are also a few items to be considered beforehand based on the type of leave:

Foreseeable Leave:

  • A written notice must be provided at least 10 days, or as early as possible, before the leave begins.

Non-Foreseeable Leave:

  • Oral or written notification should be provided prior to the employee’s work-shift that the leave is being used.

Emergency Leave:

  • The employee, or an individual on behalf of the “eligible employee”, must provide an oral or written notification to their employer within 48 hours of the emergency.

So, what does this mean for the employer?  As mentioned before, D.C. employers are required to pay a 0.62% payroll tax of the annual gross wages of each covered employee.  The tax collection will be like that of unemployment tax and will be processed with collections quarterly.  In 2019, the first report and payment is due October 31st by covered employers. However, employees may begin to access paid leave beginning in 2020.  HRi is diligently invested in providing our clients with the implementation of this collection automatically within payroll processing.  We ensure we will take care of the processing of collections on your behalf, so you remain compliant. For further questions, please reach out to your dedicated Client Service Specialist!

Did You Know…

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